Bankruptcy Results

asset protection attorney las vegas

Mr & Mrs H eliminated nearly $20,000 in credit card debt and a court judgment for $40,000. Unfortunately, the court judgment was recorded and became a lien against their home. But their attorney, Dorothy at A Fresh Start law, filed a legal action inside their Chapter 7 bankruptcy and removed this lien.

Lori always felt overwhelmed by her debts. She couldn’t even bring herself to prepare her tax returns because it was just too stressful. Lori also resented paying real estate taxes and her HOA. So when her HOA scheduled a foreclosure sale against her paid-for home, Lori contacted A Fresh Start Law. Her attorney worked out a strategy to repay her HOA the $4,000 she owed and all of her back taxes by making easy monthly payments in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Lori also avoided paying many of the tax penalties that would have cost her over $30,000. She has learned to delegate her stress to her accountant.

Shari is raising 3 children with no help. Although she has an excellent government job, after only paying her necessary living expenses, $46 was all she had left to pay her debts. Between medical bills and credit cards, Shari owed nearly $69,000. After hiring A Fresh Start Law, her attorney found enough deductions, so Shari was able to pass the Means Test. Shari got rid of all her debts in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Mary earns a high salary as a traveling nurse. But her husband and his daughter are disabled, and  Mary also supports her elderly parents. As a result, Mary’s ordinary expenses were nearly $500 more each month than her earnings. To get more money to pay these expenses, Mary stopped having taxes withheld from her pay. As a result, she owed back taxes of over $75,000. She also had other debts that added up to more than $35,000. Her attorney at A Fresh Start investigated the problem and found a little-known loophole to let Mary discharge these debts in Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Before moving to Las Vegas, Monique rented an apartment sight unseen, only to discover it was in a slum. In horror, Monique broke her lease and moved to a better neighborhood. The first landlord sued Monique for the entire 12-month contract. Unfortunately, the lease on her new place was too expensive, so Monique moved again. Once more, a landlord sued Monique. If that wasn’t enough, Monique couldn’t make her car payments, and her car was repossessed. Unfortunately, Monique thought gambling could help pay her expenses, so she obtained payday loans. Ultimately Monique learned about life in Las Vegas the hard way. She contacted A Fresh Start Law for help. By filing Chapter 7, Monique eliminated over $30,000 in debts, including both court judgments for the broken leases. Now Monique is working to rebuild her credit using her attorney’s proven strategies.

Amber is a lady who once had perfect credit and a kind heart. But her husband took advantage of her. This smooth talker convinced her to buy him a Jeep Cherokee for $77,000, a motor home, and a Kawasaki motorcycle. It doesn’t take a fortune-teller to predict what happened next. Hubby took his toys and left Amber with bills she couldn’t pay. The staff at A Fresh Start Law explained the options to Amber, and she eliminated over $100,000 in debts in Chapter 7. The repo man took away hubby’s toys, and Amber sees things more clearly now.

Mike is an excellent auto mechanic and went looking for love south of the border. He married a lovely lady with a small child. Bringing his new Wife and step-child to the US wasn’t easy. Mike sent her at least $800 every month for her living expenses. Mike also paid a substantial amount to bring his new family legally into enter the US. But Mike couldn’t afford to keep paying on his credit cards, which came to nearly $50,000. After getting advice from Attorney Dorothy at A Fresh Start Law, Mike eliminated every one of his debts in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Upon his family being reunited, Mike was able to buy a house because his Wife works hard and is a good money manager. Behind every successful man is a good woman!

Elizabeth spent many years working with celebrities. But after a while, Elizabeth thought their lifestyle was normal. She had nearly $200,000 in unsecured debts when she lost her job. After enduring many sleepless nights, Elizabeth consulted with the legal team at A Fresh Start Law and decided to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Now that her debts are gone,  Elizabeth is developing her own successful business. Her loyal celebrity friends are helping her however they can. We love you, Elizabeth, and wish you all of our best.

Demi came to A Fresh Start Law to file a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy a few days before a foreclosure sale was scheduled on her home. But Demi hid the truth from her attorney, knowing that the lawyer didn’t have enough time to investigate Demi’s background. Demi thought she knew how to play games with the legal system, but this past returned to bite her. Demi’s misconduct included filing several previous Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases pro se. Demi had also filed several frivolous lawsuits claiming that she was entitled to get her mortgage debt canceled. Instead of working with A Fresh Start Law to investigate other options, Demi ghosted her lawyer. As a result, the court dismissed Demi’s case, and she did lose her home. Unfortunately, Demi isn’t eligible for bankruptcy help in the future, even if her creditors try to garnish her pay. Sometimes even the best lawyers can’t save someone from themselves.

Lisa has worked for the same casino for over 10 years., Lisa returned to work after the pandemic, but the casino near her home permanently closed. Her drive to work increased by 45 minutes. When gas prices increased, Lisa had to pay $250 more each month for transportation. Adding to her problems, Lisa’s adult son moved back home after losing his job. The result was that Lisa’s financial situation changed from being stable to needing bankruptcy. She had medical and credit card debts of over $57,000. After discussing her options with attorney Dorothy at A Fresh Start Law, Lisa decided to eliminate her debts in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. She is rebuilding her credit using her attorney’s program and is back on track.

Between medical debts and repossessed vehicles, Rebecca owed more than $140,000. With representation by A Fresh Start Law in Chapter 7 bankruptcy, she is now completely debt-free. Rebecca now has a new job that includes medical insurance, and she has a fresh start. It was a pleasure to work with her.

Debt Settlement Results

asset protection attorney las vegas

Robyn’s spouse died at UMC, leaving a bill of more than $60,000. The law allows UMC to file a lien against the home of someone who owes them. This is what happened to Robyn. The lien prevented Robyn from refinancing or selling it without paying UMC first. However, the team at A Fresh Start Law settled this debt for $3,000, a 95% discount. UMC also removed its lien.

William and Linda had over $75,000 in debts. Unfortunately, William’s business failed, and he no longer had an income. However, Linda still earned a substantial salary, and the size of her income made filing a joint bankruptcy impossible. But due to a little-known loophole, William qualified for bankruptcy without including Linda. But Linda’s creditors could no longer look to her wages to collect what she owed. As a result, the team at A Fresh Start Law settled her credit card bills to Bank of America of $23,240 for only $5,450, saving her 77% or $17,790.

Youn was involved in a car accident, but unfortunately, her vehicle insurance had lapsed. The other driver sustained an injury that cost more than $43,000. The insurance company for the other driver had the right to have DMV cancel Youn’s driver’s license unless she paid them. Fortunately, Youn retained Attorney Dorothy at A Fresh Start Law, and the attorney and her team settled this case for $11,000. Although Youn had to borrow this money from her family, she did not lose her driver’s license. She saved $31,000, or more than 70% of this obligation. Even so, Youn now understands that she must never let her insurance expire again.

Tom and Flora could have filed for bankruptcy, but they are “old school” and didn’t want to do this. So instead, they hired Attorney Dorothy of A Fresh Start law to settle their credit debts. First, they settled a debt to Barclay’s Bank of just under $10,000 for $3,500, savings them 65%. Then A Fresh Start settled their $14,173 credit card with American Airlines for $5,216, saving them $8,957.

Joel had an old credit card debt with Capital 1 of $6,335. A Fresh Start Law settled this debt for $2,600, saving Joel $3,735, or nearly 60%.

Elmer had Federal Student Loans of $155,938.39. Before contacting A Fresh Start Law, his monthly student loan payments were $1553. After reviewing his financial situation, A Fresh Start reduced his monthly student payments to $45.91 for a monthly savings of 97% or $1507.

After the lender repossessed his car, Kurt hired A Fresh Start Law to settle the lender’s claim for a car deficiency of $5,134.88. Once A Fresh Start Law communicated with the creditor, the creditor agreed to stop all collection on this debt. Therefore, Kurt ended up owing nothing out of pocket, obtaining 100% savings on this debt.

Citibank sued Kelly for a credit card debt of $8,470.65. However, after A Fresh Start negotiated with the opposing law firm, Kelly only had to pay $3,000, saving her 64% or $5,470.65 of the balance she owed.

Jasmine was involved in a motor vehicle accident without insurance. The accident victim sustained damages of $26,654.78, and their insurance company threatened to suspend Jasmine’s driver’s license. A Fresh Start fully settled this claim for $7,500, saving Jasmine 72% of the damages they sought, or $19,154.78. And Jasmine was able to keep her license but will never let her insurance lapse again.

James hired A Fresh Start Law to settle his debts with American Express and Capital One for $9,851 and $6,581.98, respectively. A Fresh Start negotiated a settlement of 35% of the amount he owed on both accounts, saving him $10,682.

Albert was delinquent on his $19,178,15 Discover Card account. A Fresh Start Law negotiated an agreement lowering this debt to $6,000. Albert made a good-faith down payment of $4,000, then payments of $500 per month over the next four months. By hiring A Fresh Start Law, Albert reduced his debt by 69% and saved $13,178.15.

After the lender repossessed his car, Damien owed them a deficiency of $22,656.14. By hiring A Fresh Start Law to settle this debt, Damien only paid $5,000 to the lender. So Damien saved 78% off of this debt, or $17,656,14.

Grace owed a local hospital $60,000+ for a medical bill when her insurance refused to pay for her surgery. However, a Fresh Start law found a legal loophole that prevented the Hospital from continuing to collect this debt. As a result, Grace paid nothing for her medical debt, saving 100% or more than $60,000.

Austin owed US Bank and Verizon Wireless $5,348.17 and $1,543.04. A Fresh Start negotiated settlement of these debts for $2,674.08 and $620, saving him $3,597.13.

Courage owed $8,917.28 and $4,654.54 on two credit cards with Wells Fargo. A Fresh Start Law settled these debts for 40% of the original balance, saving her $8,143.09.

David had two lawsuits that totaled $4,628.38. A Fresh Start Law negotiated with the opposing Law Firm to settle these debts for 40%, saving him $2,778.38.

Natalie had a debt on an apartment lease for $1,719.06. A Fresh Start helped Natalie resolve the issue for 50%.

A creditor sued Abiy for $11,312.90. A Fresh Start Law negotiated with his creditor’s attorney, who agreed to settle this claim for $4,000. Abiy saved $7,312.90 by hiring A Fresh Start.

John needed help with a lawsuit seeking $5,855.93 in damages. A Fresh Start settled this lawsuit at 40% of the balance demanded, saving John more than $3,500.

Capital One sued Gaylen for $40,593.93 on a credit card debt. Gaylen had tried to settle the debt himself. He sent the opposing law firm $16,000, only to find that while this payment reduced his original debt, it didn’t stop the lawsuit. Seeing that his attempts to negotiate with the law firm was going nowhere, Gaylen called A Fresh Start to help. Because Gaylen had already spoken to the opposing law firm, negotiations were problematic. Unfortunately, Gaylen had let the law firm know much more about himself than he should have. But in the end, A Fresh Start settled the balance Galen owed by 50%, saving him $20,297.

Brandy contacted A Fresh Start after receiving a lawsuit demanding  $43,990.76. A Fresh Start settled the debt for less than 30% of the balance, saving her $28,990.76.

Van called A Fresh Start due to two credit card lawsuits. She called the opposing lawyer on the first lawsuit firm herself. But the creditor’s attorney persuaded Van to give them a lot of private information by scaring her. Unfortunately, Van wasn’t successful at settling. A Fresh Start then stepped in and ultimately settled this lawsuit of $4,233.42 for $2,900, or 68% of the debt balance. She saved $1,333.42 on this first lawsuit. However, A Fresh Start Law obtained much better results on her other account because she didn’t contact her creditor’s attorney. A Fresh Start negotiated a settlement of 40% of her $4,358.38 debt, saving her $2,615.03.

Speak with a skilled debt settlement lawyer at A Fresh Start Law today.

We negotiate with your creditors and find the solution that works best for you.